15 Tips to Care for Your Mental Health When You’re in a Slump

People say you should try self-care - but what does that mean? Self-care may mean something different for you than it does to me. If you're stuck and don't know what to do, take a look at this list and try one of them!

1. Breathe to the music (five minutes of purposeful breathing can oxygenate your blood and get you centered)

2. Get your jam on (even if you don't want to dance, music can help reduce anxiety)

3. Summon the “aha!” moment (ask yourself: How would I prefer to feel right now? What do I need to do to make that happen?)

4. Meditation in motion (sometimes we need to get away from it all - take a walk to let your more relaxed brain come up with solutions)

5. The buddy system (There’s nothing like having a wingman or woman to pull you up when you’re flying low.)

6. Wash your troubles away (Can’t relax enough to meditate? Try it in the bath!)

7. Free writing (Five minutes of free writing in your journal can do wonders for helping you express everything you’ve been bottling up.)

8. Small routines (creating routine with the things you have control over can help)

9. Give yourself permission to catch up on ZZZ (seriously)

10. Make lists (to organize spinning thoughts)

11. Talk to your healthcare provider (If you’ve been experiencing high stress and anxiety for 2+ weeks call your doc.)

12. Make use of free online resources (e.g. blogs, podcasts, videos)

13. Ask for what you need (really)

14. Put date night back on the calendar (often for busy parents this is the first to go!)

15. Give e-therapy a try (our favourite is the HOPE Platform! - A research based  mental health platform for women - all free. Check out our link for more)

For more helpful resources, check our our new website!

What 3 things are you going to prioritize this week and how can you build in some self care?


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